Trash & Recycling

A private contractor, Trash Away, removes trash on Tuesdays and Fridays.  
Recyclables - rinsed empty glass, metal and plastic containers, cardboard, magazines and paper - should be placed in the lidded blue recycle bin without using plastic bags, and are collected on Fridays.
Non-recyclables and kitchen trash should be in trash bags and placed in a lidded plastic trash bin and are collected on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Time of collection is variable but usually in the morning. 
  1. Trash and recycling bins are to be placed outside no earlier than 6 pm the night before scheduled pickup days. 
  2. All kitchen trash must be placed in plastic bags in a lidded trash bin.  Non-kitchen trash and cardboard can be stacked next to the trash and recycling bins if it does not fit into the bins.
  3. Trash and recycling bins must be returned to your garage by the end of the collection day.
If a major holiday (July 4, Christmas, New Year’s Day, or any holiday when disposal facilities may be closed) falls on a normal collection day, service is performed on the next service day.    If a holiday falls on a Tuesday, that pick-up is missed with the next collection on the normal service day of Friday. In a similar fashion, if the holiday falls on a Friday, that pick-up is missed and the next collection is the normal service day of Tuesday.  In some rare instances, we will be waiting two weeks for recycling.
Failure to comply with these Trash and Recycling rules may, at the discretion of the CWHOA Board, result in a fine of $100. 
The above Trash & Recycling rules were reviewed and approved by the Board on in March 2024.