Pet Policy

The pet rules are subject to change at any time to align the rules with the needs of the community.  A 30-day notice of all changes will be provided by the Board to homeowners via electronic and/or written communication.
    1. "Pet" - Any dog, cat, bird, or usual household animal kept for pleasure rather than commercial purpose.
    2. "Vicious Animal" - Any animal which has evidenced a disposition to attack humans or animals without provocation.
    1. The maximum number of dogs permitted is two per home.
    2. The maximum number of cats permitted is three per home.
    3. Farm animals or livestock are prohibited.
    4. Pet owners and custodians are responsible for any property damage, injury or disturbances their pet may cause, inflict, or in any way contribute to, and all associated expenses.
    5. Institutional or commercial housing, treatment and care of pets or commercial breeding, boarding and fostering of pets is strictly prohibited.
    6. When a unit is vacated, all pets must be removed by their owners or custodians.
    7. Every owner or custodian of a pet must remove all pet excrement from the common areas, including but not limited to grass, walkways, parking spots and streets.  Disposal must be in a sealed plastic bag in the garage trash bin.  Kitty litter or other similar material, such as bird or animal cage lining, should be deposited in a sealed plastic bag in the garage trash bin.
    8. No animal consumable products may be kept in any garage, patio, backyard, car pad or driveway.
    9. All dogs and cats must display a current DC license and rabies vaccination tag. 
    10. An owner must prevent a pet from running unrestricted in the common areas. Animals running unrestricted should be immediately reported to the Property Manager for possible identification. 
    11. No unit owner, resident or tenant, who owns, has in their possession or under their control any pet, shall keep such pet in such a manner as to cause unsanitary conditions.
    12. No unit owner, resident or tenant shall keep or permit to be kept any wild, exotic, or vicious animal. 
    13. Pets must not be fed, kept, or maintained in any Common Area.
    14. No animals may be leashed to any object or fixture in the Common Area.
    15. In transporting a dog or cat to or from a unit, the owner or custodian must either carry the dog or cat with its leash attached or have the walking dog or cat on a leash at all times.  Applications for exemption from compliance with this rule due to handicap, age, infirmity, or other hardship of the owner/custodian or of the pet may be applied for and granted by the Board.
    16. Every owner or custodian of a pet which has died must promptly dispose of the dead pet in a manner acceptable to the District of Columbia Department of Health (or any comparable agency).  Use of the Common Areas for burial of dead pets is prohibited. 
    17. A pet owner or custodian must prevent a pet to make any noise, either within a unit or on the Common Areas, such as to offend or disturb any homeowner or resident.  In determining whether a noise made by a pet is offensive or a disturbance, the standard shall be whether the duration, frequency of occurrence or volume of the noise is such to offend or disturb the ordinary, prudent person. 
    18. No owner, resident or tenant shall inflict or cause cruelty in connection with any pet.
    1. The Board will strictly enforce the rules on pet behavior.
    2. All complaints regarding violations of the Pet Policy must be made either to the Property Manager or directly to the Board of Directors.
    3. A violation of any provision of the Pet Policy can be reported by a homeowner or resident by the following procedures:
      1. by submitting a signed, written statement (including by email) to the Property Manager describing the problem and/or damage, identifying the pet(s) and owner(s) if possible, and noting the specific date, time and place; or
      2. by calling the  Property Manager, provided the person identifies himself or herself and agrees to provide a signed, written statement with full documentation as described above.
    1. Violations will be reported by the Property Manager for Board action.   
    1. The Property Manager shall first attempt an informal resolution of the problem.  If such a solution is not possible, the matter will then be referred to the Board, which may initiate enforcement action in accordance with this Pet Policy.
    2. Under circumstances where the Board concludes that the pet is a potential danger to life or limb, the Board may order the offending pet(s) removed from Cloisters West upon two (2) days written notice from the Board, without convening a hearing or otherwise complying with due process.
    3. The Bylaws sanctions for non-compliance with this Pet Policy include, but are not limited to, removal of the pet, assessment for damages, forfeiture of privilege to keep or maintain any pets, and assessment of charges.
    4. The following guidelines shall be used in assessing charges against owners for violations of the rules based upon pet behavior and the pet owner's control of the impact of the pet on others:
      1. For the first violation, assessment of a $100 charge.
      2. For the second violation within a one-year period, assessment of a $200 charge.
      3. For a third violation within a one-year period, the Board may order the removal of a pet upon ten (10) days notice.
    1. No owner can be found in violation based only upon evidence submitted by a complainant whose identity remains confidential. 
    2. The procedures for enforcement set forth in the Pet Policy does not preclude the Board (or its agents), a homeowner or a resident from seeking relief under applicable state or governmental laws, ordinances and/or regulations through appropriate governmental authorities.
The above Pet Policy was reviewed and approved by the Board on September 26, 2023