Login Instructions
All CW homeowners are encouraged to access the Cloisters West website on a regular basis for “News”, information on “Upcoming Events”, easy access to Governing Documents, Homeowners Handbook, “Exterior n Request” form, etc.
Here are instructions/reminders for gaining access to the “Members Only” sections of the CW website:
- Go To Cloisters West Website: www.cloisterswest.org
- If already “Registered”
- Go to: “Login” in upper left section of “Home” page
- Enter Username and Password
- Get access to CW “Members Only” information
- If not already registered:
- Go to “Register” in upper left section of “Home” page
- Complete “Profile” - Name, email, address and phone are required
- Click “Submit”
- ** Your login details will be emailed to the email address you provided once your account is approved by the administrator
- When you receive your password go to “Login” in upper left section of the Home page and enter your email (username) and password
- Click “Submit”
- You then have access to the “Members Only” information
- Questions/Forgotten Usernames and/or Passwords: Contact cloisterswesthoa@gmail.com
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